Nir Av-Gay

Nir has been improvising since he entered high school which is surprisingly more recent than he would like you to know. In 2010 Nir and his childhood friends, Isaac Powrie and Thomas Weideman formed the cello accompanied improv trio 'Recess'. That was pretty cool. Nir has recently been diagnosed as an improv addict and has refused to take any of the measures which have been offered to help him with his problem. They tried to make him go to rehab, but he said no, no, no.
Georgia Beaty

This is Georgia’s second year with UBCi, after an awesome year under the direction of Jess Bryson, she’s super excited about this year and you should be too.
Interesting Facts about Georgia:
- She is a Theatre Major
- She is scared of Leopard Seals
- She relates everyday life to episodes of Recess
- She relates everyday life to episodes of Arthur
- She watched too much TV as a child
Interesting Facts about Georgia:
- She is a Theatre Major
- She is scared of Leopard Seals
- She relates everyday life to episodes of Recess
- She relates everyday life to episodes of Arthur
- She watched too much TV as a child
Andrew Christoffel

After having improvised in the Canadian Improv Games for three whole years as a pubescent before moving to Vancouver and performing with UBC Improv for what will be his third consecutive year in a row, Andrew Christoffel is beginning to consider himself a bonafide make-em-upper. Deeply concerned with the joyous spontaneity of live theatre, he makes it his goal to ensure that each and every one of his make-em-ups provides a deep-bellied laugh and tooth-stretching grin for each and every audience member he performs for. Apart from CIG’s and UBCi, Andrew has also had the opportunity to improvise in the Young and Spontaneous shows in Vancouver, and hopes to have more opportunities to expand his Improv horizons in the future.
Nick Harvey-Cheetham

Nick Harvey-Cheetham has improvised in over 11 types of building, including hockey arena, synagogue and metal bar. He is an alumnus of the Canadian Improv Games and has been a senior player with UBCimprov for four years. Nick regularly improvises around Vancouver and has performed at shows like the Bronx Cheer Hero Show, the Man Hussy Total Series and The Sunday Service. Nick performers regularly with Pump Trolley Comedy, an improv and sketch comedy group he co-founded in 2009. He also performs with Instant Theatre's Conservatory Ensemble and produces 10 SPEED, an improv show built like a rocket-ship that harnesses Vancouver's top improv talent on a bi-monthly basis. Some of Nick's recent show highlights include the Next Act Improv Festival in Victoria, BC, a guest appearance at the Upfront Theatre in Bellingham, WA and Vancouver's Olio Festival.
Amber McLennan

Amber McLennan has been improvising for going on four years now and began her time on stage as Cindy Lou Who back in grade 2. She has participated in the Canadian Improv Games for three years and has competed at the National Tournament. This past year she preformed at the Young and Spontaneous show which she found to be oodles of fun. Her favorite food is bagels with melted cheese/pasta, board games make her smile and if she could she'd own a giant Panda bear... if it weren't so illegal. This year she is so stoked to be on the UBC self directed team and can't wait for the years to come ahead.
Rachel Smith

Rachel has been improvising her whole life, but only realized it when she joined UBCimprov 5 years ago. Since then, she has been a part of lots of exciting projects, like Masterclass with VTSL and Young and Spontaneous with Instant Theater. She finds comedic inspiration in the simple, silly things in life. When she's not improvising, she likes studying glaciers and watching the X-Files. She's from Calgary and likes snow better than rain.
Alex Thornton

Alex has been performing improvised comedy ever since reaching the height of 5 feet, 4 inches at age 15. He grew up the friendly Maritime city of Halifax, Nova Scotia and in high school performed in the Canadian Improv Games, going all the way to Nationals in 2007. Later that year he ventured even further west to join the cast of UBCimprov. While in Vancouver, Alex has performed as part of Instant Theatre's Young & Spontaneous shows and has workshopped with some of Vancouver's most rad and badass improvisers. When Alex isn't immersed in the laugh-core UBCimprov jungle, he enjoys living in France, watching cephalopod documentaries through the cracks in his fingers, and quietly judging others. Alex is excited to crush the year 2010/2011 into the ground with the joy of improvisation.
Mirah Valdes

Red Mage Lv. 33
HP 1337/1337
MP 255/255
ATK 57 AGL 62
DEF 58 INT 56
MAG 70 CHR 69
Journeying from the faraway town of North Vancouver, Mirah has joined the UBCi party. Previously trained through the Canadian Improv Games, she has also briefly performed with the Young and Spontaneous on Granville Island. When not aiding the heroic conquests of UBCi, she can be found mounted on her trusty chocobo hunting wild cactuar.
HP 1337/1337
MP 255/255
ATK 57 AGL 62
DEF 58 INT 56
MAG 70 CHR 69
Journeying from the faraway town of North Vancouver, Mirah has joined the UBCi party. Previously trained through the Canadian Improv Games, she has also briefly performed with the Young and Spontaneous on Granville Island. When not aiding the heroic conquests of UBCi, she can be found mounted on her trusty chocobo hunting wild cactuar.
Shauna Wootton

Shauna has been a part of UBCimprov the longest out of everyone on both teams. You might think this constitutes bragging, but then you might wonder why she hasn't graduated yet. She's not sure either. In any case, she's not sure she would have made it through without a nice hot plate of sweet improv lovin' to come home to these past five years. When she's not improvising, she sells dildos at a local sex shop, and when she's not selling dildos, she writes children's books. It's a good life.
Brandon Yan

Brandon has been performing with UBCimprov for three years, mostly improvising on the stage in Scarfe 100. He has also improved on other stages like the one at the Upfront Theatre in Bellingham, Washington. Brandon is an aspiring urban planner but needs to improve his bio writing skills in order to make his dream come true.