Hot Sets
Del Hajipour

In economics and consumer theory, a Del is a product that people consume more of as the price rises—violating the law of demand. Normally, as the price of goods rises, the substitution effect makes consumers purchase less of it, and more of substitute goods. In the Del situation, the income effect dominates, leading people to buy more of the goods, even as its price rises. Typically, A Del is still the cheapest source of a necessary resource (e.g. calories), therefore displacing alternative sources from the fixed amount of income being spent on the resource.
For most products, demand curve has negative slope (slope, that is constant in case of a straight demand function, must not be confused with price elasticity of demand, that varies depending on the point of the curve on which it is calculated and is not therefore constant even along a straight demand curve; see the mathematical definition for more). In other words, price and quantity demanded pull in opposite directions; if price goes up, then quantity demanded goes down. Del is an exception to this. The slope of her demand curve is positive. When price goes up, the quantity demanded also goes up. To be a true Del, the good's price must be the only thing that changes to produce a change in quantity demand. A Del should not be confused with products bought as status symbols or for conspicuous consumption (Veblen goods).
For most products, demand curve has negative slope (slope, that is constant in case of a straight demand function, must not be confused with price elasticity of demand, that varies depending on the point of the curve on which it is calculated and is not therefore constant even along a straight demand curve; see the mathematical definition for more). In other words, price and quantity demanded pull in opposite directions; if price goes up, then quantity demanded goes down. Del is an exception to this. The slope of her demand curve is positive. When price goes up, the quantity demanded also goes up. To be a true Del, the good's price must be the only thing that changes to produce a change in quantity demand. A Del should not be confused with products bought as status symbols or for conspicuous consumption (Veblen goods).
Brad Burega

Brad Burega washed up on the shores of Vancouver in late August of
2013. He couldn’t remember where he was from, how old he was, or even
his name. Naturally, Brad went to the one place where everybody makes
up a new identity for themselves: university. On orientation day, Brad
discreetly stole the name tag of the real Brad Burega, taking his place
as a UBC student. Now, Brad (estimated age 46) is living the crazy life
of a computer science student at UBC! He’s getting into all sorts of
wacky adventures with kooky friends, going to wild parties and maybe,
finding out who he is after all. Will Brad ever remember his past life,
or was this the real “Brad Burega” all along?
Find out this fall, Sunday nights at 8:00pm Pacific on Fox™!
Produced by Chuck Lorre
Find out this fall, Sunday nights at 8:00pm Pacific on Fox™!
Produced by Chuck Lorre
Trang Nguyen

Fearless optimist Trang Nguyen teams up with rugged mountain man Trang Nguyen and his loyal reindeer Trang Nguyen in an epic journey to find Trang's sister Trang, who's icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Trang, Trang and Trang battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom.
Jesse Brown

Sit down, friend, and let me tell you my tale. I have been travelling for many years, on a quest handed down to me by my father, from his father, and so on. I seek to slay the Black Warden of the Waterways, and finally put to rest the tormented spirit of my ancestor, and namesake, Isai Brunius. It is a perilous quest, and one that has taken much from me… I now seek companions, to ease my burden, and make clear the way. What say you, hero? Wilt thou aid me? Wilt thou restore House Brunius to glory?
Vivian Tang

“I’ve known Vivian for 21 years. We’ve been best friends for as long as I could remember and we’ve never fought once. That’s just the kind of girl Vivian is you know? She’s loyal, ardent, devoted, dutiful, steadfast, allegiant, resolute, unwavering, and other synonyms. When I look at her, and she looks back, it’s almost like magic you know? And that’s what she brings to the stage. Magic.
- Vivian
- Vivian
Jordan Johnston

Once affectionately called "a male version of Margaret Thatcher" and told by an educator he "looks just like Prince Charles"' there is little doubt that Jordan is the secret illegitimate love child between the Prime Minister and would-be king that nobody knew about. He is collecting donations to fund a campaign to eventually install himself as Prime Minister/King where he will rebuild the glory of the British Empire using techniques he studied on Game of Thrones. Ten dollars gets you a limited-edition pin, twenty dollars gets you an autographed baseball cap and fifty dollars gets you a lock of the future King's hair, specially preserved in a keepsake box.
Donations are being accepted through
Donations are being accepted through
Patrick Gares

Patrick spent the first 2 years of his life suckling on the teat of a mighty American Buffalo, whom he affectionately came to call Big Mumma Bubba. Patrick spent the next 10 years perfecting all manner of social etiquette and communication amongst every species of animal and plant in B.C’s vast wilderness. On his 12th birthday he set off on an adventure of a lifetime, to air balloon across the globe. After making it halfway he received word that Big Mumma Bubba wasn't doing well so sadly he had to stop his expedition and turn back in order to be with her during the end. He has since joined modern day civilization in the hopes of connecting with his own species. In the meantime he joined UBC Improv to practice being in real life situations will real life people
Jesse Rea

Two lies and a truth.
1. Has potentially the WORST dental record. Imagine 16 teeth pulled, 10 of which were at the same time, 4 of which were adult teeth. Not to mention full head gear to be worn every night (including sleepovers), plus braces, elastics, mouth-guard, and retainers for life. Definitely the most horrible “Before” dental work pictures; think of a unibrow-ed horse.
2. Absolutely hates scary movies. Is “that-girl” who will full on just cry, and has definitely peed from fear during more than one horror flick. This has led to the realization that scary movies are just a bad idea in general, because of being wayyyyyyy too horrified to watch alone, and not being able to watch with others due to generally annoying the begeezus out of everyone, with 8-year-old-girl screams.
3. Avidly plays the tuba. In junior-high when asked to choose an instrument to pursue, fell in love with the rotund, curving, gleams of brass. Despite being so small in comparison to the tuba, pursued the instrument intensely through grades 7 and 8, and then throughout all of high school. Amazingly, became the only player in the L.C.V.I. jazz band and performed with passion in every performance and every solo. All hail the tuba!!
1. Has potentially the WORST dental record. Imagine 16 teeth pulled, 10 of which were at the same time, 4 of which were adult teeth. Not to mention full head gear to be worn every night (including sleepovers), plus braces, elastics, mouth-guard, and retainers for life. Definitely the most horrible “Before” dental work pictures; think of a unibrow-ed horse.
2. Absolutely hates scary movies. Is “that-girl” who will full on just cry, and has definitely peed from fear during more than one horror flick. This has led to the realization that scary movies are just a bad idea in general, because of being wayyyyyyy too horrified to watch alone, and not being able to watch with others due to generally annoying the begeezus out of everyone, with 8-year-old-girl screams.
3. Avidly plays the tuba. In junior-high when asked to choose an instrument to pursue, fell in love with the rotund, curving, gleams of brass. Despite being so small in comparison to the tuba, pursued the instrument intensely through grades 7 and 8, and then throughout all of high school. Amazingly, became the only player in the L.C.V.I. jazz band and performed with passion in every performance and every solo. All hail the tuba!!
James Tugman

James is a winner who addresses himself in the third person. The only thing he likes more than money is cold hard cash. And the only he likes more than cash is for his Dad’s acceptance, or a dog (whatever sounds more sappy).
He likes dress shirts and sweatpants, a masterful clash of contemporary formal attire and homeless chic. He likes being the quirky kid on Facebook inviting people to his improv shows. Whether or not people show up, James will improvise like his life depends on it. Because it does.
As a Argentinian sleeper agent infiltrating Canadian culture, James does improv’s to keep up the intricate façade of having sushi for breakfast, blasting Ariana Grande and making people laugh for self-fulfillment.
He likes dress shirts and sweatpants, a masterful clash of contemporary formal attire and homeless chic. He likes being the quirky kid on Facebook inviting people to his improv shows. Whether or not people show up, James will improvise like his life depends on it. Because it does.
As a Argentinian sleeper agent infiltrating Canadian culture, James does improv’s to keep up the intricate façade of having sushi for breakfast, blasting Ariana Grande and making people laugh for self-fulfillment.
Jonathan Comberbach

Jonathan was born with the innate ability to watch multiple seasons of a show in one sitting. Thanks to his trusty sidekick, Netflixio, these powers have grown and become even more powerful. Jonathan no longer needs to get up and change a disc, or hit next episode - he does so with the power of his mind.
Sometime in the recent past, his arch-nemesis, also known as " real life responsibilities and like a job and like stuff." has come into the picture. The two have battled it out for nearly two decades, but who will win ? Only time will tell.
Sometime in the recent past, his arch-nemesis, also known as " real life responsibilities and like a job and like stuff." has come into the picture. The two have battled it out for nearly two decades, but who will win ? Only time will tell.
Coach: Jordan Moore

You could say that Jordan should have written moore for his bio.